At Calvary, all are welcome to particpate in worship, and to join us at the table to receive the gift of our Lord's body and blood in Holy Communion -- "given and shed for you, and for all people, for the forgiveness of sin."
Sundays, 9:00am in the sanctuary. Communion is served weekly. Fellowship time immediately after worship. The Sunday service is also live on Facebook at 9:00am, and remains posted on our page for later viewing. Link to Facebook: Click here.
Saturdays, 5:00pm in the Fireside Chapel. Worship services with communion weekly, except during the season of Lent, Holy Week, and the Christmas to New Year's Holiday Week.
Ash Wednesday, March 5 -- 5:45pm in the Fireside Chapel
Lenten Wednesdays, March 12, 19, 26, April 2 & 9 -- 5:45pm in the Fireside Chapel
Maundy Thursday, April 17 -- 5:45pm in the Fireside Chapel
Good Friday, April 18 -- 1:00pm in the Fireside Chapel
Soup Suppers -- 5:00pm, Ash Wednesday and the five Wednesdays in Lent -- in the fellowship hall.
Christmas Eve -- 7:00pm in the sanctuary
Easter Sunday, April 20 -- 9:00am in the sanctuary.
Sundays from Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day Weekend. Calvary's Campground Worship Ministry has been serving Lakeland area visitors and residents for over 50 years.
9:00am at Indian Shores Campground. Gather at the ampitheater overlooking Lake Tomahawk, behind the main lodge and restaurant building. In case of rain, the Indian Shores site will meet in the assembly room of the lodge building.
10:00am at Clear Lake State Forest Campground. Gather where the benches are located next to the boat landing and beach. Look for the "Campground Worship" banner. Daily or seasonal State Park window stickers are required for all vehicles entering the campground. Stickers can be purchased at the campground office near the entrance.